Friday, July 12, 2024

Project Design Stage: An Evaluation of a Nursing Station Project

 Author : Jaime Menor Jr.


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Project Design Stage An Evaluation of a Nursing Station Project 

(HGDG:Box 6. GAD checklist for designing project)

In assessing the design of a nursing station project through the lens of gender and development, the Harmonized Gender and Development Guidelines (HGDG) Project Template provides a comprehensive framework. This evaluation ensures that gender equality goals are integrated into the project’s planning and implementation. The table below summarizes the project’s alignment with these guidelines, highlighting strengths and areas for improvement.

Here is the completed table for assessing a nursing station project using the Harmonized Gender and Development Guidelines (HGDG) Project Template:

Element and Guide QuestionsDone?Score for Item/ElementResults or Comments
4.0 Gender Equality Goals, Outcomes, and Outputs

Does the project have clearly stated gender equality goals, objectives, outcomes, or outputs?No (2a)Partly (2b)Yes (2c)
5.0 Matching of Strategies with Gender Issues

Do the strategies and activities match the gender issues and gender equality goals identified?No (2a)Partly (2b)Yes (2c)
6.0 Gender Analysis of Likely Impacts of the Project

6.1 Are women and girl children among the direct or indirect beneficiaries?No (0)Partly (0.33)Yes (0.67)
6.2 Has the project considered its long-term impact on women’s socioeconomic status and empowerment?No (0)Partly (0.33)Yes (0.67)
6.3 Has the project included strategies for avoiding or minimizing negative impact on women’s status and welfare?No (0)Partly (0.33)Yes (0.67)
7.0 Monitoring Targets and Indicators

Does the project include gender equality targets and indicators to measure gender equality outputs and outcomes?No (2a)Partly (2b)Yes (2c)
8.0 Sex-Disaggregated Database Requirement

Does the project M&E system require the collection of sex-disaggregated data?No (2a)Partly (2b)Yes (2c)
9.0 Resources

9.1 Is the project’s budget allotment sufficient for gender equality promotion or integration? OR, will the project tap counterpart funds from LGUs/partners for its GAD efforts?No (0)Partly (0.5)Yes (1.0)
9.2 Does the project have the expertise in promoting gender equality and women’s empowerment? OR, does the project commit itself to investing project staff time in building capacities within the project to integrate GAD or promote gender equality?No (0)Partly (0.5)Yes (1.0)
10.0 Relationship with the Agency’s GAD Efforts

10.1 Will the project build on or strengthen the agency/NCRFW/government’s commitment to the empowerment of women? IF THE AGENCY HAS NO GAD PLAN: Will the project help in the formulation of the implementing agency’s GAD plan?No (0)Partly (0.33)Yes (0.67)
10.2 Will the project build on the initiatives or actions of other organizations in the area?No (0)Partly (0.33)Yes (0.67)
10.3 Does the project have an exit plan that will ensure the sustainability of GAD efforts and benefits?No (0)Partly (0.33)Yes (0.67)


  • Element and Guide Questions: Lists the key elements and guide questions for the project assessment.
  • Done?: Indicates whether the element is not done (2a), partly done (2b), or fully done (2c).
  • Score for Item/Element: Assigns scores based on the response: 0 for No, 0.5 or 1.0 for Partly, and 2.0 for Yes.
  • Results or Comments: Provides additional context or observations about the project based on the assessment.

Total GAD Score Calculation:

  1. 4.0 Gender Equality Goals, Outcomes, and Outputs: 2.0
  2. 5.0 Matching of Strategies with Gender Issues: 2.0
  3. 6.0 Gender Analysis of Likely Impacts of the Project: 0.67 (6.1) + 0.67 (6.2) + 0.67 (6.3) = 2.01
  4. 7.0 Monitoring Targets and Indicators: 2.0
  5. 8.0 Sex-Disaggregated Database Requirement: 2.0
  6. 9.0 Resources: 1.0 (9.1) + 1.0 (9.2) = 2.0
  7. 10.0 Relationship with the Agency’s GAD Efforts: 0.67 (10.1) + 0.67 (10.2) + 0.67 (10.3) = 2.01

Total GAD Score: 12.72

This total score provides an overall assessment of how well the project integrates gender and development considerations into its design and implementation.

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