Sunday, December 24, 2023

Unveiling the Unseen: Navigating Tacit Risks in Risk Management

 While "tacit risk" isn't a widely used term in risk management, it refers to potential threats that are not explicitly identified, documented, or communicated. Several categories of tacit risks can arise from unarticulated knowledge and experience:

1. Intuition and Expertise:

  • Unforeseen consequences: Experienced individuals might rely on intuition or heuristics, which, while valuable, can lead to blind spots or overlooked risks.
  • Knowledge silos: Unique expertise often gets siloed within individuals, making it vulnerable to loss or hindering collective risk assessment.
  • Bias and misjudgment: Unconscious biases and overconfidence based on past experiences can lead to flawed risk identification and assessment.

2. Organizational Culture and Communication:

  • Risk-averse cultures: Fear of failure or punishment can suppress the communication and identification of potential risks.
  • Lack of transparency and trust: Information barriers and distrust within the organization can hinder the flow of critical knowledge about risks.
  • Groupthink and conformity: Shared assumptions and pressure to conform can lead to overlooking dissenting voices and potential threats.

3. External Factors and Uncertainty:

  • Emerging trends and threats: Rapidly changing technologies, market dynamics, or regulatory landscapes can create unforeseeable and poorly understood risks.
  • Complex systems and interdependencies: Interconnected systems can create cascading failures or amplify the impact of unforeseen events.
  • Subjective perceptions and interpretations: Different stakeholders might have varying risk perceptions based on their knowledge, experiences, and biases.

Examples of specific tacit risks:

  • A public project experiencing cost overruns due to undocumented technical challenges known only to key, uncommunicative personnel.
  • A policy decision ignoring potential social unrest due to limited understanding of local cultural dynamics.
  • A data breach caused by outdated security protocols implemented based on outdated assumptions.

Managing tacit risks requires proactive strategies like:

  • Fostering a culture of open communication and risk awareness.
  • Encouraging knowledge sharing through storytelling, mentoring, and communities of practice.
  • Implementing formal risk management processes while emphasizing informal discussions and brainstorming.
  • Challenging assumptions and biases regularly.
  • Staying informed about emerging trends and conducting regular risk assessments.
  • Building resilience and adaptability into organizational systems and processes.

Remember, effectively managing tacit risks is an ongoing process that requires continuous vigilance, engagement, and adaptation.

I hope this list and explanations provide a good starting point for understanding and addressing tacit risks arising from unarticulated knowledge and experience.

This comprehensive risk management table adheres to ISO 31000:2018 standards, addressing various internal and external challenges. From unforeseen consequences rooted in intuition to organizational culture hurdles, each entry outlines specific issues, potential impacts, and corresponding risk and opportunity management strategies. By assigning scores for impact and likelihood, the risk level is determined, guiding the implementation of controls. The table covers diverse projects, activities, and programs, emphasizing the importance of continuous training, legal compliance, and strategic enhancements. This meticulous approach ensures a proactive and standardized risk management framework aligned with ISO standards for a broad range of scenarios.

SequenceApplicable ISO StandardStatement of Relevant Issues/Needs & Expectations (Uncertainties)Specific Issues & ConcernType of IssueInterested Parties (List Specific Clients/Customers Involved)Effect/Impact on Objective & GoalRisk (Negative Effect + Uncertainties = Risk)Opportunity (Positive Effect + Uncertainties = Opportunity)RO Owner (Primary Person Responsible for Assessing and Managing the Ongoing Risk)Compliance Obligation (Applicable Law in the Philippines)Control Implemented (Measure)Risk Impact (Score Rating 1, 2, 3)Likelihood (Score Rating 1, 2, 3)Risk Score (Risk Impact x Likelihood)Risk Level (1-2=Low, 3=Medium, 6 & 9=High)Project, Activity, Programs (PAPs to Address Risk/Opportunity)
1ISO 31000:2018Unforeseen consequences: Experienced individuals might rely on intuition or heuristics, which, while valuable, can lead to blind spots or overlooked risks.Relying on intuition or heuristicsInternalExperienced Personnel, Project Management TeamProject delays, increased costsIncreased project costs, delaysImplementation of structured risk assessments and decision-making processesProject ManagerRelevant project management laws and regulationsFormalized risk assessment procedures, continuous training326HighPublic Infrastructure Project
2ISO 31000:2018Knowledge silos: Unique expertise often gets siloed within individuals, making it vulnerable to loss or hindering collective risk assessment.Siloed expertiseInternalVarious Departments, Team LeadsHindered collective risk assessment, loss of crucial expertiseHindered risk assessments, potential loss of critical knowledgeImplementation of knowledge-sharing platforms and cross-functional trainingRisk Management CoordinatorInternal knowledge sharing policiesCross-functional training, knowledge-sharing platforms236HighOrganizational Risk Management
3ISO 31000:2018Bias and misjudgment: Unconscious biases and overconfidence based on past experiences can lead to flawed risk identification and assessment.Unconscious biases and overconfidenceInternalDecision-Making Team, Project TeamsFlawed risk assessments, suboptimal decision-makingFlawed risk assessments, suboptimal decision-making due to misjudgmentRegular training on bias identification and decision-making best practicesRisk AnalystGeneral risk management laws and regulationsContinuous training, external audits224MediumDecision-Making Processes Improvement
4ISO 31000:2018Risk-averse cultures: Fear of failure or punishment can suppress the communication and identification of potential risks.Risk-averse cultureInternalEntire OrganizationSuppressed communication, overlooked risksOverlooked risk, due to Risk-averse cultures:Promoting a culture of risk awareness and open communicationRisk Management CoordinatorGeneral organizational laws and regulationsCultural change initiatives, training programs224MediumOrganizational Culture Enhancement
5ISO 31000:2018Lack of transparency and trust: Information barriers and distrust within the organization can hinder the flow of critical knowledge about risks.Information barriers and distrustInternalVarious Departments, LeadershipHindered flow of critical knowledge, potential communication breakdownHindered flow of critical knowledge, potential communication breakdown due to Lack of transparency and trust:Implementation of transparent communication channels and trust-building initiativesCommunication OfficerGeneral organizational laws and regulationsTransparent communication policies, trust-building workshops236HighCommunication Improvement Initiative
6ISO 31000:2018Groupthink and conformity: Shared assumptions and pressure to conform can lead to overlooking dissenting voices and potential threats.Groupthink and conformityInternalDecision-Making Teams, Project TeamsOverlooking dissenting voices, potential threatsOverlooking dissenting voices, potential threats due to Groupthink and conformityEncouraging diverse perspectives and dissenting opinions/Enhanced diversity of thought, improved threat identificationRisk AnalystGeneral risk management laws and regulationsTraining on group dynamics, diversity and inclusion initiatives224MediumDecision-Making Processes Improvement
7ISO 31000:2018Emerging trends and threats: Rapidly changing technologies, market dynamics, or regulatory landscapes can create unforeseeable and poorly understood risks.Rapidly changing external factorsExternalRegulatory Authorities, Industry ExpertsPoorly understood risks, potential disruptionsTechnological Obsolescence, Regulatory Compliance Challenges, Market Competition, Supply Chain Disruptions & Customer Behavior ShiftsImproved readiness for emerging trends and threats/Continuous monitoring of external factors and trend analysisExternal Relations ManagerRelevant industry regulationsRegular trend analysis, external consultations326HighExternal Environment Monitoring Program
8ISO 31000:2018Complex systems and interdependencies: Interconnected systems can create cascading failures or amplify the impact of unforeseen events.Interconnected systemsExternalCross-Functional Teams, System AdministratorsCascading failures, amplified impact of unforeseen eventsWidespread Disruptions: The failure of a critical component can lead to disruptions across the entire system, affecting operations, services, or functionalities. Increased Downtime, Data Loss or Corruption, Financial LossesImproved system resilience, reduced impact of unforeseen events/Implementing redundancy measures and comprehensive system auditsSystems AdministratorRelevant industry regulationsRegular system audits, redundancy planning326HighSystem Resilience Enhancement Project
9ISO 31000:2018Subjective perceptions and interpretations: Different stakeholders might have varying risk perceptions based on their knowledge, experiences, and biases.Varying stakeholder risk perceptionsExternalStakeholders, Decision-MakersMisalignment in risk priorities, potential conflictsMisalignment in Risk Priorities, Communication Breakdown, Project Delays, Stakeholder Disengagement-Divergent risk perceptions can lead to disengagement or withdrawal of stakeholders.Improved alignment, enhanced stakeholder engagement/ Regular stakeholder consultations and engagementStakeholder Engagement OfficerGeneral stakeholder engagement laws and regulationsContinuous stakeholder engagement programs, perception surveys224MediumStakeholder Engagement Enhancement Program
10ISO 31000:2018A public project experiencing cost overruns due to undocumented technical challenges known only to key, uncommunicative personnel.Undocumented technical challengesInternalProject Management Team, Technical PersonnelFinancial impact, delays in project completionFinancial losses, project delaysExploration of innovative solutions to address challengesProject ManagerRelevant project management laws and regulationsEnhanced communication protocols, regular progress updates326HighPublic Infrastructure Project
11ISO 31000:2018A policy decision ignoring potential social unrest due to limited understanding of local cultural dynamics.Limited understanding of local cultural dynamicsExternalLocal Communities, StakeholdersSocial unrest, damage to public relationsSocial unrest, reputational damageCommunity engagement to foster understanding and cooperationPolicy AnalystRelevant cultural sensitivity laws and regulationsIn-depth cultural assessments, stakeholder consultations236HighPolicy Implementation
12ISO 27001:2013A data breach caused by outdated security protocols implemented based on outdated assumptions.Outdated security protocolsInternalData Subjects, Regulatory AuthoritiesData compromise, legal consequencesData breaches, legal liabilitiesImplementation of advanced cybersecurity measuresIT Security OfficerData Privacy Act of 2012Regular security audits, updates to security protocols326HighData Security Enhancement Project

Note: This table provides a comprehensive breakdown of the statements and examples provided, aligning them with the designated ISO standards and associated risk management elements.



Kaplan, R. S. (2023, June 9). Managing Risks: A New Framework. Harvard Business Review.

"The Risk Factor" by Mark J. Polansky: This Harvard Business Review article discusses the challenges of managing "emergent risks" that are difficult to predict or quantify. (

Global assessment report on disaster risk reduction 2015. (2015, March 4). UNDRR.

"Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction (GAR)" by the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR): Provides a comprehensive assessment of disaster risks and trends around the world. (

Global Risks Report 2023 | World Economic Forum. (2023, November 9). World Economic Forum.

"World Economic Forum Global Risks Report": Identifies and analyzes the most pressing global risks facing the world. (

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