Friday, September 6, 2024

Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) table for the Policy on Social Media Posting Detrimental to the Agency's Image:

Author : Jaime Menor Jr.


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 Here’s a concise Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) table for the Policy on Social Media Posting Detrimental to the Agency's Image:

ItemPotential Failure ModePotential Cause(s) / MechanismMission PhaseLocal Effects of FailureNext Higher Level EffectSystem-Level End Effect(P) Probability (Estimate)(S) Severity(D) Detection (Indications to Operator, Maintainer)Detection Dormancy PeriodRisk Level P*S (+D)Actions for Further Investigation / EvidenceMitigation / Requirements
1. Employees post harmful contentPost content that defames the agencyLack of awareness of policy; personal disputesOperationalReputation damagePublic backlash; legal actionLoss of trust from stakeholders45Public complaints, media coverageImmediate20 + 2Review of social media posts; Implement stricter monitoring mechanismsRegular awareness campaigns, mandatory social media ethics training
2. Inappropriate political viewsPublicly endorsing political candidatesMisunderstanding of neutrality rulesElection periodBias perception from publicPoliticization of the agencyLoss of credibility in public service34User comments, public responseImmediate12 + 2Collect employee feedback on political neutrality rulesRevise guidelines and enhance internal training on political neutrality
3. Sharing confidential agency informationAccidental leak of sensitive dataPoor understanding of data classificationOperationalBreach of security protocolsInformation compromiseLegal penalties, loss of competitive advantage25IT department audit, public or media reportsDays to weeks10 + 3Conduct internal audits on data shared; test employee knowledge regularlyConfidentiality refresher courses; strict internal review before posting
4. Lack of policy enforcementInconsistent application of penaltiesPoor communication of guidelinesOperationalUnequal treatmentDecline in employee moralePerception of favoritism33Employee feedback, case reviewsWeeks9 + 2Track case reports and responses across departmentsStandardize punishment, establish audit processes for policy enforcement
5. Failure to detect policy violations earlyDelayed response to violationsWeak monitoring system for social media postsOperationalLate interventionWorsening public perceptionEscalated reputational damage44Media coverage, stakeholder feedbackImmediate to days16 + 2Invest in automated social media monitoring toolsReal-time monitoring solutions, reporting mechanisms
6. Misinterpretation of the policyEmployees misunderstand guidelinesAmbiguous language in policyPre-operational (Policy intro)Non-complianceIncreased violationsErosion of public trust33Employee inquiries, internal confusionDays to weeks9 + 1Conduct surveys to assess employee understanding of policyClearer policy wording, ensure easy access and regular dissemination
7. Personal social media affecting agencyPosting negative comments on personal accountsLack of distinction between personal and professional accountsOperationalPerceived agency endorsementBlurring of personal vs professional conductReputation loss34Review of posts upon incident reportsDays to weeks12 + 2Monitor public posts and provide training on differentiating personal/professional contentClarify boundaries between personal and professional social media conduct

Key Points:

  • (P) Probability (Estimate): 1 (Low) to 5 (High)
  • (S) Severity: 1 (Low impact) to 5 (High impact)
  • (D) Detection: How easy it is to detect the issue (lower values mean harder to detect, 1–3 scale)
  • Risk Level (P*S): Probability multiplied by severity (with detection factored in where needed)

Action Items:

  • Regular audits, surveys, and employee feedback should be used to continually assess the effectiveness of the policy.
  • Training sessions to reinforce the importance of responsible social media use.
  • Implementation of automated monitoring tools for real-time tracking of potential violations.

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