Saturday, August 31, 2024

Sample Policy on Social Media Posting Detrimental to the Agency's Image on Public Sector

 Sample Policy on Social Media Posting Detrimental to the Agency's Image on Public Sector

1. Introduction

This policy establishes guidelines for responsible social media use by employees to protect the reputation and integrity of [Agency Name]. It is aligned with the principles outlined in Republic Act (RA) 6713, known as the Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees. Additionally, it incorporates the Civil Service Commission (CSC) guidelines on coaching processes and outlines penalties for violations.

2. Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to:

  • Promote ethical behavior and responsible use of social media among employees.
  • Prevent social media activities that may harm the image and reputation of the agency.
  • Align social media conduct with RA 6713's standards of professionalism, transparency, and integrity.

3. Scope

This policy applies to all employees of [Agency Name], including permanent, contractual, and casual staff, who engage in social media activities that relate to their work, colleagues, or the agency, whether on personal or official accounts.

4. Legal Basis

  • Republic Act 6713: Requires government employees to uphold the highest standards of professionalism, integrity, and respect for public service.
  • Civil Service Commission: Provides guidance on coaching and corrective actions for ethical violations in government service.

5. Guidelines for Social Media Conduct

Employees are expected to:

  • Respect confidentiality: Avoid sharing sensitive or classified information related to the agency’s operations, employees, or stakeholders.
  • Maintain professionalism: Refrain from posting, commenting, or sharing content that could be construed as derogatory, offensive, or detrimental to the agency’s image.
  • Uphold integrity: Ensure that social media posts do not conflict with the principles of RA 6713, which include accountability, public interest, and efficiency in public service.
  • Separate personal views from the agency: When expressing personal opinions on social media, employees must clarify that their views are personal and do not reflect those of the agency.
  • Avoid political partisanship: Government employees are required to remain neutral in their professional conduct, including social media, and must not promote political bias or partisanship.

6. Coaching and Corrective Process

Should any employee be found violating this policy, the following Civil Service Commission-aligned coaching and corrective process will be applied:

  • Step 1: Initial Coaching and Guidance
    The immediate supervisor will hold a one-on-one coaching session with the employee to discuss the inappropriate post or behavior, reiterate the agency’s social media policy, and provide advice on how to avoid similar situations. This will serve as an informal warning and an opportunity for the employee to rectify their behavior.

  • Step 2: Written Warning
    If the employee commits a second violation, a formal written warning will be issued. The employee will undergo a more structured coaching process with specific action steps, including social media training or ethics seminars.

  • Step 3: Formal Disciplinary Action
    Should the behavior persist, the matter will be escalated to the Human Resources department for formal disciplinary action. This may include suspension or reassignment, depending on the gravity of the violation.

7. Penalty and Punishment

In line with RA 6713 and the CSC guidelines, the following penalties will apply for employees found posting content that damages the agency's reputation:

  • First Offense:
    • Written warning and required completion of a Social Media Ethics training.
  • Second Offense:
    • 30-day suspension without pay and participation in a mandatory ethics seminar facilitated by the Civil Service Commission.
  • Third Offense:
    • Termination of employment following due process, including investigation and review by the agency’s disciplinary committee. The case may be forwarded to the Civil Service Commission for further administrative action.

Additionally, any post found in violation of RA 6713 or involving grave misconduct (e.g., defamation, hate speech) may lead to the immediate termination of the employee and disqualification from future government service, per CSC rules.

8. Monitoring and Reporting

  • The agency's IT and Human Resources departments will monitor social media platforms to ensure compliance with this policy.
  • Employees are encouraged to report any violations anonymously or directly to their supervisors without fear of retaliation.

9. Review and Updates

This policy will be reviewed annually to ensure alignment with updates in RA 6713, CSC Memoranda, and evolving social media trends. Updates will be disseminated to all employees.

10. Effective Date

This policy shall take effect immediately upon approval and dissemination.


The following policy on social media usage is provided as a sample and serves for informational purposes only. It is designed to guide employees of government agencies on the responsible and ethical use of social media, in alignment with Republic Act No. 6713 (Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees). This policy is not intended to replace or override any existing laws, regulations, or internal guidelines set by specific government agencies.

Each government organization may adapt or modify this sample policy to meet its unique operational needs, culture, and legal requirements. Employees are strongly encouraged to consult with their respective Human Resources or Legal Departments to ensure compliance with all relevant policies, laws, and regulations governing their conduct on social media.

This document does not constitute legal advice, and the creators or distributors of this policy are not liable for any misuse or misinterpretation. All users of this policy should independently verify its applicability to their specific agency or situation.

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