Friday, August 2, 2024

Evaluating Gender and Development Risks in Nursing Station Projects: Insights from Box 7 Checklist


Evaluating Gender and Development Risks in Nursing Station Projects: Insights from HGDG Guidelines Box 7 Checklist

In today’s evolving landscape of project management, integrating gender considerations is not just a matter of compliance but a crucial aspect of risk management. The evaluation of a nursing station project through Box 7 of the HGDG guidelines highlights key elements and requirements essential for ensuring gender sensitivity and equality. This blog post delves into the assessment results and identifies critical areas for improvement to enhance project outcomes.

Evaluation of Nursing Station Project Using Box 7: Summary Checklist for the Assessment of Proposed Projects

The following table summarizes the evaluation of the nursing station project based on the HGDG guidelines, focusing on key elements and requirements related to gender and development (GAD).

Element or RequirementScores Carried OverResultNoPartly YesYesComments
1. Involvement of women and men in project conceptualization and design (Max score: 2)1.0Partly Yes
Limited but present involvement; needs improvement for full inclusivity.
2. Collection of sex-disaggregated data and gender-related information at the planning stage (Max score: 2)1.0Partly Yes
Some data collection present; not comprehensive or fully utilized.
3. Conduct of gender analysis and identification of gender issues at the project identification stage (Max score: 2)1.0Partly Yes
Partial analysis; needs more thorough identification of gender issues.
4. Presence of gender equality goals, outcomes, and outputs (Max score: 2)0.67Partly Yes
Gender equality goals are partially articulated; needs more detail in outcomes and outputs.
5. Presence of activities and interventions that match the gender issues identified to produce gender equality outputs and outcomes (Max score: 2)0.67Partly Yes
Some activities match gender issues; requires better alignment with identified issues.
6. Gender analysis of the likely impact of the designed project (Max score: 2)1.0Partly Yes
Partial gender analysis; needs more comprehensive impact assessment.
7. Presence of monitoring targets and indicators (Max score: 2)0.67Partly Yes
Monitoring targets and indicators present but require improvement for full coverage.
8. Provision for the collection of sex-disaggregated data in the M&E plan (Max score: 2)1.0Partly Yes
Sex-disaggregated data collection planned but not fully comprehensive.
9. Commitment of resources for addressing gender issues (Max score: 2)0.5Partly Yes
Budget allocation for gender issues present but needs to be more substantial.
10. Inclusion of plans to coordinate/relate with the agency’s GAD efforts (Max score: 2)0.67Partly Yes
Some coordination with agency’s GAD efforts; needs more detailed planning.


  • Element 1: 1.0/2
  • Element 2: 1.0/2
  • Element 3: 1.0/2
  • Element 4: 0.67/2
  • Element 5: 0.67/2
  • Element 6: 1.0/2
  • Element 7: 0.67/2
  • Element 8: 1.0/2
  • Element 9: 0.5/2
  • Element 10: 0.67/2

Overall Total GAD Score: 7.38/20


  • Score Range: 4.0 - 7.9
  • Interpretation: The proposed project has promising GAD prospects. The proposal earns a “conditional pass,” pending identification of specific gender issues, development of strategies to address these issues, and inclusion of comprehensive sex-disaggregated data in the monitoring and evaluation plan.

Comments: The nursing station project shows some integration of gender considerations but needs further development in several areas. There is a need to enhance the involvement of women and men, improve data collection and analysis, align activities with gender issues, and strengthen resource commitment and coordination with the agency’s GAD efforts. Addressing these gaps will improve the project's alignment with gender and development goals and enhance its overall gender sensitivity.

Interpretation of Results

Score Range: 4.0 - 7.9
The project scores within this range, indicating it has promising GAD prospects. It earns a “conditional pass,” meaning that while some gender considerations are integrated, there is a need for further development. Specifically, the project requires:

  1. Enhanced Involvement: Greater involvement of both women and men in project conceptualization and design to ensure a more inclusive approach.
  2. Comprehensive Data Collection: Improved collection and utilization of sex-disaggregated data to better identify and address gender issues.
  3. Thorough Gender Analysis: More detailed gender analysis to accurately identify and address gender-related gaps and constraints.
  4. Detailed Goals and Outputs: Clear articulation of gender equality goals, outcomes, and outputs with aligned activities and interventions.
  5. Robust Monitoring: Improved monitoring targets and indicators, along with a comprehensive M&E plan that includes sex-disaggregated data collection.
  6. Increased Resource Commitment: Enhanced budget allocation for addressing gender issues to ensure effective implementation.
  7. Coordination with GAD Efforts: Better coordination with the agency’s existing GAD strategies to ensure coherence and integration.

Risk Management Insights

Integrating gender considerations into project design is not just about compliance; it's about managing risks effectively. By addressing the gaps identified in the evaluation, the nursing station project can better:

  • Mitigate Gender Inequality Risks: Ensuring both men and women are equally involved and represented in the project can prevent the risk of overlooking specific needs and challenges.
  • Improve Data Utilization: Comprehensive data collection and analysis help in accurately identifying gender-related issues and tailoring interventions accordingly.
  • Enhance Project Outcomes: Aligning activities and interventions with identified gender issues ensures that the project meets its gender equality goals and produces meaningful outcomes.
  • Strengthen Accountability: Robust monitoring and evaluation plans with clear targets and indicators enhance accountability and track progress towards gender equality.

By addressing these aspects, the project can transition from a promising GAD prospect to a fully gender-sensitive and responsive initiative, ultimately improving its overall effectiveness and impact.


Table format for evaluating Gender and Development (GAD) risks in nursing station projects:

Statement of Relevant Issues/Needs & Expectations (Uncertainties)Specific Issues & ConcernInterested Parties - IP (List Specific Clients/Customers Involved)Identify Effect - Immediate based on GoalImpact - Long-term Effect on Objective & GoalRisk (Negative Effect + Uncertainties = Risk)Opportunity (Positive Effect + Uncertainties = Opportunity)RO Owner (Primary Person Responsible for Assessing and Managing the Ongoing Risk)Compliance Obligation (Law in the Philippines)Control Implemented (Measure)Risk Impact (Rating 1,2,3)Likelihood (Rating 1,2,3)Risk Score (Risk Impact x Likelihood)Risk Level (Low 1-2, Medium 3-5, High 6-9)Project, Activity, Programs (PAPs to Address Risk/Opportunity)
Gender biases in recruitment and staffingUnequal opportunity for female staffNursing staff, recruitment agenciesDelay in project staffingLower effectiveness in meeting gender equality goalsGender bias affecting recruitment = High RiskInclusive recruitment practices = High OpportunityHR ManagerRA 9710 (Magna Carta of Women)Implement gender-neutral recruitment policies326HighTraining on gender sensitivity and inclusive recruitment policies
Insufficient facilities for female staffLack of privacy in restroomsFemale nursing staff, facility managementReduced staff satisfaction and productivityLong-term dissatisfaction and potential turnoverInsufficient facilities = Medium RiskImproved facilities = Medium OpportunityFacility ManagerRA 9262 (Anti-Violence Against Women and Their Children Act)Upgrade facilities to meet privacy standards224MediumRenovation of facilities to ensure privacy and comfort for female staff
Inadequate support for breastfeeding staffLack of breastfeeding roomsNursing staff, HR departmentHealth and well-being issues for new mothersDecreased staff retention and moraleLack of support = Medium RiskSupport programs = Medium OpportunityHR ManagerRA 10028 (Expanded Breastfeeding Promotion Act)Provide dedicated breastfeeding rooms and breaks236HighImplementing breastfeeding support programs and facilities
Gender discrimination in promotions and evaluationsBiased evaluation processesNursing staff, managementReduced career advancement for female staffLower overall job satisfaction and engagementDiscriminatory practices = High RiskFair evaluation = High OpportunityDepartment HeadRA 9710 (Magna Carta of Women)Implement transparent and fair evaluation processes326HighEstablishment of transparent criteria for promotions and evaluations
Inadequate awareness of GAD policies and programsLack of training on GAD issuesAll nursing staff, training departmentNon-compliance with GAD policiesIneffective GAD integration and supportLack of awareness = Medium RiskIncreased awareness = Medium OpportunityTraining CoordinatorRA 9710 (Magna Carta of Women)Conduct regular GAD training sessions236HighRegular GAD training and awareness programs

Feel free to adjust any details or add additional issues and controls as necessary.



The insights and observations presented in this article, "Evaluating Gender and Development Risks in Nursing Station Projects: Insights from HGDG Guidelines," are the product of creative analysis and tacit risk observation based on a risk management framework. The information and recommendations provided are intended to offer general guidance and should not be construed as definitive or exhaustive solutions. Readers are encouraged to carefully consider the specific context of their own organizations and mandates when applying the principles discussed. It is imperative that professionals in the field undertake their own thorough evaluations and consult with qualified experts to address the unique risks and challenges associated with Gender and Development (GAD) in nursing station projects. The author disclaims any responsibility for actions taken based on this article and emphasizes the importance of professional judgment and tailored risk management practices.

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